Really Awesome Fan project(s)

Digimon Reboot

One of my favorite pieces of Digimon media period. Digimon Reboot is a multimedia fanfiction by Rebekah L., Keisha P., and Zuza J. featuring an entirely new continuity, cast of characters, and Digimon. Similar to Digimon FDD, Reboot’s chapters are divided into “episodes” that feature screen caps, fully animated evolution sequences, and evolving character artwork.
The story follows a cast of eight young adults who have been partnered with their Digimon since birth. They’ve all lived normal lives, Digimon included, wild Digimon start appearing and attacking.
This story is allowed to explore brand new plotlines not seen in the anime since the characters are adults. Some examples include relationship drama, balancing college and saving the world, providing for a family, kidnapping, abuse, childhood trauma, etc. The Digimon also have fleshed out characters and arcs with their own romances, conflicts, and internal growth. The plot beats are cohesive with each chapter building on the plot and characters in a way that feels organized and planned.
Candidly, Digimon Reboot has meant so much to me. I started following it when I was at a low point in high school, and new episode drops got me through the weeks. Now, I revisit it every few years to re-experience a story I love so much.
I cannot recommend Digimon Reboot enough, it is criminally underrated. The creators poured their hearts into this, and unlike many other fan projects, actually finished it!
Read it for yourself at the Digimon Delta!


Digimon FDD

I don’t know that enough credit is given to Digimon FDD these days, but if you were a Digimon fan in the 2000’s this was a touchstone for fan works. Digimon FDD was a pioneer of writing Digimon fanfiction not with pre-existing characters, but as if it were an entirely new season (like the aforementioned Digimon Reboot). This came about in the era of Geocities where creators hosted their own websites dedicated to their fan characters and Digimon. Digimon FDD is the collaboration of about 11 real life individuals coming together to write their adventure in the Digital World.
The story is not groundbreaking, but it is oozing with 2000’s charm. Artwork is interspersed throughout chapters ranging from MS Paint recolors to fully styled original work. The aesthetic of the Digital World tries to recreate Digimon Adventure, and goes out of its way to sound like it could have aired on Fox Kids. (The episode recaps are particularly charming.)
I originally found Digimon FDD when I was 10, and it immediately inspired me. I created my own website, with my own characters and Digimon. The world of fanfiction suddenly felt so much bigger, and I was obsessed. (Sadly, that little website and story have been lost to time.)
Digimon FDD is a fun time capsule that I highly recommend checking out if you are nostalgic for old internet and old Digimon fandom. Fortunately, it's still being preserved here on Neocities!. (Artwork by Finni)

Digimon and All Respective Names © of Bandai, Toei, and all respective Corporate Bodies 1997-2020
Image rips were provided by
Gifs credited to
Digimon Reboot original characters are © 2010-2020 to Rebekah L., Keisha P., and Zuza J.