Favorite Rom Hacks!

Pokemon Prism

Pokemon Prism is a rom hack of Pokemon Crystal version. It was a lofty project by Rainbowdevs, and was, unfortunatly, shut down by Nintendo before it could be officially released. Thankfully, the patch was instantly leaked online and became playable to the public shortly thereafter.
Prism is an incredibly fun Pokemon experience. It is multi-regional with new types, Pokemon from later generations (with fully animated sprites), dungeons where you can play as your Pokemon, side scrolling sections, and more!
Unfortunatly, Nintendo's cease and desist means the game was never truly completed. Thankfully, a dedicated userbase has continued to keep Prism alive. r/pokemonprism subreddit.

Pokemon Crystal Clear

Pokemon Crystal Clear is yet another Crystal Rom Hack, this time by ShockSLayer. Crystal Clear is the closest thing I've found to an open world Pokemon adventure. (Well, before Legends Arceus and Gen 9 anyway). Crystal Clear allows the player to begin their adventure in either Johto or Kanto. Gyms can be challenged in any order, and enemies scale depending on how many badges you have. All Pokemon are avilable for capture in the wild, including starters. It was a really fun take on a classic!
Here is a link to the subreddit
Pokemon Emerald Seaglass

Pokemon Emerald Seaglass is the most beautiful romhack I've ever played. Its sprite work is reimiscent of Generation 2, only with more details and running on Generations 3's engine. This has become my favorite way to play Emerald. Its qualitiy of life features are amazing allowing you to use an updated EXP Share, get all the starters, and have access to every Pokemon in Gen 3.
Here is a link to the subreddit

Pokemon and All Respective Names are Trademark & © of Nintendo 1996-2020
Card rips and sprite rips were provided by Bulbapedia and Pokemon Database
Gifs credited to Geocities.org